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Emergency Gas Removal (Toxic Gas Protection)
Filtration specializes in indoor air quality. PureAir provides a variety of applications and
products to assist in the following categories:
- Hazardous gases such as chlorine, fluorine, ammonia and sulfur dioxide are required for
certain important industrial and municipal processes. Occasionally accidents occur which
results in released of these toxic chemicals.
- PureAir's Sentry™ systemstands on guard to protect against these releases. Systems are
designed to capture the worst case scenario release of these gases.
- Customers can make great improvements to their EPA Risk Management Plan (RPM) by
installing a PureAir Sentry. Many sizes and configurations are available.
- A very large North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) has three Emergency Gas Dry
Scrubber (EGS-300) on site in the event of a chlorine leak. One of the scrubbers had a
significant chlorine leak during the middle of the night. By the time their main
chlorine alarm system alerted staff to the leak, PureAir's EGS-300 had already kicked
into gear.